The Ohio Seal of Biliteracy is an award given by a school, district or state to recognize graduating seniors who can demonstrate high levels of proficiency in English and at least one other language.
Biliteracy is the ability to communicate with a high level of proficiency in two languages. Biliterate communication requires the student to have the ability to read and write another language, as well as the ability listen to and comprehend (or speak/sign) the second language.
The student must have the ability to use culturally-appropriate language to communicate spontaneously in non-rehearsed contexts with a high degree of competence, in real-life situations.
- Encourage the study of languages;
- Certify the attainment of biliteracy;
- Give employers insights on the skills of graduates;
- Give universities an additional mechanism to identify srong candidates for admission;
- Prepare students with 21st century skills;
- Recognize the value of foreign and native language instruction; and
- Strengthen inter-group relationships and affirm the value of diversity