Gifted & Talented

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Gifted & Talented

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The Ohio Department of Education publishes Gifted Operating Standards that all Ohio districts must follow when identifying and designing services for gifted children. While gifted identification is required by law, gifted services are not mandated. However, districts receive state funding for providing services that meet the criteria set forth in Ohio’s Gifted Operating Standards. GMLS offers various gifted services that meet the state criteria for students in grades 2-12.

Through the use of Ohio’s Content Standards, gifted programming is focused on evidence-based practices, which increase the rigor of instruction, strengthen cognitive abilities, increase creativity, and foster gifted learners' social and emotional development. Emphasis is placed on enhancing interpersonal and technical communication in the 21st Century for gifted youth to realize their potential.

The Groveport Madison Gifted and Talented Team is dedicated to providing appropriate and challenging services for our gifted youth. Students must meet gifted identification criteria set forth by the State of Ohio and then must meet the requirements set by the GMLS to qualify for specialized programming.

State of Ohio Gifted Identification Criteria
Superior cognitive ability
A child shall be identified as exhibiting “superior cognitive ability” if the child performs in the following ways:
  1. On nationally normed abilities test (in GMLS, this is the In-View Abilities Test), must score a 128 or above or;
  2. Performed at or above the ninety-fifth percentile on an approved individual or group standardized basic or composite battery of a nationally normed achievement test or;
  3. Attained an approved score on one or more above grade-level standardized, nationally normed approved tests
*The American College Test (ACT), the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), and the EXPLORE Test have been approved for use in identifying gifted students in select grade levels.
Specific Academic Ability
A child shall be identified as exhibiting “Specific Academic Ability” if the child performs in the following ways:
  1. Scored at or above the 95th percentile on an approved individual or group administered nationally normed, standardized Achievement Test in one or more of the following areas:  Reading, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.
  2. Attained an approved score on one or more above grade-level standardized, nationally normed approved tests.
*The American College Test (ACT), the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), and the EXPLORE Test have been approved for use in the identification of gifted students in select grade levels.

Creative Thinking Abilities
Identification for Creative Thinking Ability involves a two-pronged process because the student is evaluated for cognitive abilities and for creative characteristics. Evaluations of this kind can occur in conjunction with the referral/screening process for Superior Cognitive Abilities.
A child shall be identified as gifted in “Creative Thinking Abilities” if the child performs in BOTH of the following ways:
  1. Scored at or above one standard deviation above the mean on an approved individual or group standardized intelligence test administered by a qualified professional, AND
  2. Exhibited sufficient performance, as established by the department of education, on an approved checklist by a trained individual of creative behaviors.
Visual and Performing Arts Ability
Section 3301-51-15 of the Ohio Administrative Code provides the following definition of “visual or performing arts ability” as the ability in areas such as drawing, painting, sculpting, music, dance, or drama. A student shall be identified as exhibiting “visual or performing arts ability” superior to that of children of similar age if the student has done both of the following:
  1. Demonstrated through a display of work, an audition, or other performance or exhibition, a superior ability in a visual or performing arts area;
  2. Exhibited sufficient performance, as established by the Department of Education, on an approved checklist of behaviors related to a specific arts area.
Screening and Identification Process Overview
The screening and identification process for identifying students gifted in the visual arts includes the following components:
  1. Nomination of the student for screening/assessment (except when every student in a given grade will be screened) 
  2. Evaluation of the student using an approved behavioral checklist 
  3. An evaluation of the student’s display of work/portfolio/performance using an approved scoring rubric completed by professionals in the field.
For more information regarding the Visual and Performing Arts Identification in Groveport Madison Schools, see the documents below. Click here for the VPA Nomination form.pdf.
Written Education Plans (WEP)
All school districts in Ohio reporting services provided to gifted students must have a copy of a Written Education Plan (WEP) for each student on file. Ohio Administrative Code 3301-51-15 (D)(4) outlines the specific points that must be included in the WEP. Our gifted staff works directly with the students who receive a WEP; they focus on working toward the common goals of our program. Because this is a process of getting to know student needs, WEPs are usually written and sent home in late fall of the year of service. Those goals are then reviewed the following year if the child remains in service and are modified as needed. Parental and student input is welcomed in this annual process. Not all gifted students have a WEP on file; ONLY children currently receiving a service will receive a WEP.

Referral Process for Gifted Testing
Currently, second and fifth graders participate in whole grade-level standardized testing for science, social studies, and cognitive abilities. In addition, all grades K-10 are assessed through MAP for reading and math. Any teacher, staff, parent, or student may make a referral for a student to be tested for possible gifted identification. Click here for the Gifted Screening and Assessment Referral Packet.

Academic Acceleration for Advanced Learners
The State Board of Education adopted a model acceleration policy for advanced learners in April 2006. Districts were required by Section 3324.10 of HB 79 to adopt a similar Acceleration Policy for Advanced Learners that addresses all forms of acceleration, including early entrance to kindergarten, whole-grade acceleration, subject area acceleration, and early high school graduation.

Parents of candidates for single-subject acceleration should discuss this with their child’s classroom teacher for that subject. He/she can provide valuable information about the student’s performance and particular curricular needs pertaining to that content area. The parent then completes (with the help of the teacher) the “Academic Acceleration Referral form” and turns it in to the building principal. Assessment for acceleration requires multiple pieces of data entered into a scale/rubric in order for the acceleration team to make a final placement decision. Click here for the Academic Acceleration Referral Form.

Early Entrance to Kindergarten
This process takes place in August of each year; however, applications are accepted and kept until the assessment window opens. For more information, see the following: Early Entrance Packet

Early Graduation Requests
Please see your high school guidance counselor for the proper forms to complete. Any early graduation candidate with the purpose of beginning their higher education path earlier than their peers must have a Written Acceleration Plan on file with the expected graduation date and a planned schedule of courses leading up to the graduation date.

Appeal Process for Acceleration Recommendations
All acceleration decisions are made as a team, along with the parents. This team may consist of a principal, counselor, psychologist, receiving teacher, current teacher, gifted specialist, gifted coordinator, or other qualified personnel. Even though this process is based on a group decision, there may be times when a parent disagrees with the final recommendation. In these cases, the parent must complete the Appeal Document. Appeal decisions are made by the district superintendent or his/her designee, and all decisions at that level are final. Click here for the Form for Appealing an Acceleration Decision.

Written Acceleration Plans
Any student referred for and placed in an accelerative placement (early entrance to kindergarten, single subject acceleration, whole-grade acceleration, or early graduation) MUST have a Written Acceleration Plan on file for the first year of the accelerated placement. Since a child is not required to be identified as gifted in order to accelerate, non-identified students are included in the WAP process. This is not a reference to gifted service or gifted programming; it is a document that specifies the placement of the student in an accelerated setting and strategies to support a successful transition to the setting.
Additional Information


Current Programming Options

GMLS is dedicated to expanding opportunities for all students to reach their potential; with this goal in mind, we work to serve our students through a strong continuum of services, which begins in the first grade and continues until our students graduate.
Elementary Services
Our team of Gifted Intervention Specialists, housed at Sedalia Elementary, teaches all of our elementary students in grades 2-5. These educators have received specialized training to meet the needs of gifted learners. Students will be in special course sections that will include only other students with the same areas of identification who are at similar levels of understanding. Through these groupings, our specialists are able to work with both the academic and social-emotional needs of our gifted students. Students identified in reading and math receive services in their area of identification. Superior cognitive students receive services in both reading and mathematics. More specific information about our programming is explained below.
Grades 2-5 Reading
Our elementary reading service includes the William and Mary Literature Units explicitly created for gifted learners and additional novel study aligned to the grade-level and above-level standards. Gifted learners will gain exposure to various genres and work on their ability to think critically, provide evidence from reading, and analyze what they read. They will engage in rich discussions with like-minded peers daily. Fourth and fifth-grade students will also enhance their grammatical understanding through our Caesar’s English program. By the end of their elementary career (5th-grade), students will extend their understanding by beginning work with the 6th-grade standards.

Grades 2-5 Math
The Gifted Specialists will adjust the instructional level for our gifted math students by using resources appropriate for young gifted math learners, including our gifted math text adoption, M3 Mentoring Mathematical Minds. Through this math instruction, students will be exposed to content above level and prepare for their path of acceleration in gifted services. Hands-on learning and exploration aid our students in their growth and development as mathematical thinkers. If successful on this path through the elementary years, these students will have the opportunity to take 6th-grade math while still at elementary school. This group of students would then take pre-algebra in 6th grade, algebra as 7th graders, and high school Geometry in 8th grade, leaving more time in high school for college work while still at GMLS!
Middle School Services
GMLS Middle School Gifted Programming continues through grades 6, 7, and 8 for math, reading, and science. Gifted students in each of those areas and those with superior cognitive abilities participate in honors and/or enriched cluster classes for each identified subject area every day. The Gifted Intervention Specialist is the full-time instructor for the service. Students will work at a faster pace in these specialized courses with curricular materials created specifically for gifted learners.
High School Services
Our high school services involve various Honors and Advanced Placement Courses (AP) in which students may earn college credit while still in high school. Gifted students may also pursue College Credit Plus, credit flex, and other opportunities to earn credits in non-traditional ways, graduate early, accelerate through content, or advance their understanding of specific content. Teachers of these courses receive specialized professional development to aid them in incorporating rigor, depth, and complexity into coursework.

Screening & Identification of Children Who Are Gifted

Students may be identified as gifted in one or more of the following areas: Superior Cognitive Ability, Reading, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Creative Thinking Ability, and the Visual and Performing Arts. Section 3324.03 of the Ohio Revised Code defines a child who is gifted as one who performs or shows potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience, or environment.

Students who do not meet state gifted criteria, but score within the district-set screening range are believed to have a potential for scoring at the state required identification level and therefore are eligible for a second opportunity to test for giftedness. After each whole-grade level screening opportunity for science, social studies, and cognitive abilities (currently 2nd and 5th grades), students scoring in this screening range have the opportunity to be further assessed for possible gifted identification.

GMLS students also participate in MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) assessments three times per year in which they may be identified as gifted in math or reading, according to the state criteria. Students scoring in the screening range on any administration of the assessment will automatically have multiple opportunities to score in the gifted range during all subsequent MAP administrations.
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