Extended Day Program (EDP)

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Extended Day Program (EDP)

Children eating a snack

The District's Extended Day Program (EDP) provides before- and after-school childcare for Groveport Madison Schools students in grades K-5. Our goal is to provide affordable, quality childcare that instills a sense of pride in both school and community. 

The program is located at Glendening Elementary School and Sedalia Elementary School; however, transportation is provided to and from the program's location to the school the student attends.

The morning program begins at 7 A.M. and lasts until school starts. The afternoon program starts directly after school and ends at 6 P.M. The Extended Day Program follows the school district calendar; therefore, when school is not in session, Extended Day will be closed, as well. 

Each site is staffed with a site director and one or more assistants, with the adult/child ratio at most 1 to 18. The program provides age-appropriate games, arts and crafts activities, and many special events. Both locations offer an area for doing homework. Outside time, supervised by staff, is encouraged, weather permitting. The team at our Extended Day Program takes great pride in providing a safe and caring atmosphere in which children enjoy various activities.

Extended Day Program Goals

  • To provide a developmentally appropriate "play" and "success" oriented curriculum that compliments the home and school by encouraging physical, social, emotional, and intellectual growth and positive feelings of self-worth;
  • To provide a warm, secure environment designed to encourage decision-making, problem-solving, individual expression, and freedom within limits, where children can respect and enjoy each other;
  • To provide competent and caring professional staff who understand and meet the needs of the children;
  • To provide frequent and open communication with parents, which provides support and encourages involvement.

Fee Schedule

Registration Fee
$30 per year
$20 per year
1st Child
2nd Child
A.M. Care
$184 per month
$168 per month
1st Child
2nd Child
P.M. Care
$184 per month
$168 per month
1st Child
2nd Child 
A.M. & P.M. Care 
$350 per month
$322 per month
1st Child
2nd Child
Two days or less per week  $20 per day

How to Apply

Applications and price lists are available at all elementary offices and online (at right). Please return forms and the application fee to:

     Groveport Madison Schools 
     Extended Day Program
     4400 Marketing Place, Suite B
     Groveport, OH 43125
For EDP at Sedalia and Glendening Elementary, please email Toni Knapp (Site Director) at [email protected] 

If you have general questions, please email Dr. Christopher Green at [email protected] or call (614) 492-2520 ext. 50329.

EDP Information

Local Day Care Centers

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