Counseling Office

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Counseling Office

ACT / SAT Test Schedules
High school juniors and seniors planning to attend college after graduation will need to take the ACT and/or the SAT as part of their college application process. Students are strongly encouraged to begin taking these tests by the spring of their junior year. This allows students enough time to take tests multiple times if they need or want to improve their scores.

You can find test dates for this school year here. You can find more testing information about the SAT at and more information about the ACT at Please note, the College Board assesses additional fees for late registrations.  

School Counselor Confidentiality Statement

School counselors respect the right to the confidentiality of students, teachers, parents, and staff. Disclosures of abuse and/or imminent danger to self or others are reported to the appropriate agency in accordance with the law. Situations jeopardizing student safety, including incidents of abuse, imminent danger to self or others, bullying, and sexual harassment, are reported to the building administration in accordance with school policy.

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Contact Us

Office Phone:  (614) 836-4967
Guidance Secretary - Nicole Adair
Registrar - Terra Helser

School Counselors:
Beginning in the 2021-2022 school year, 
counselors are assigned to students
by the student's last name:
A - D - Lauren Taylor
E - K - Melanie Reed
L - R - Amy Moran
College & Career - Adam Davidoff

Program of Studies

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