Credit Flexibility

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Credit Flexibility

"Credit Flexibility is the customizing of educational delivery to the learning styles and interests of individual students. Students show what they know and move on to higher-order content they are ready to learn and have not yet mastered. They learn subject matter and earn course credit in ways not limited solely to “seat time” or the walls of a school building. They customize aspects of their learning around their interests and needs, which might include flexible schedules and a choice of modalities (e.g., online learning, work-based learning and community-based projects), as well as options to pursue niche interest areas, combine subjects and graduate early. (ODEW, Credit Flexibility, 2017)

At Groveport Madison, Board of Education Policy IGBM describes Credit Flexibility while BOE regulation IGBM-R explains what the district's plan for Credit Flexibility must do.

GMLSD Learning Options & Credit Flexibility Plan

Groveport Madison's grades 7-12 students can earn high school credit in the following ways:

Option A:  Complete coursework in the traditional classroom setting

Option B:  Test out to show course content knowledge and skills (Credit Flexibility)

Option C:  Completion of an Educational Option (Credit Flexibility)

Option D:  Online learning with onsite testing (May be Credit Flexibility)

An Educational Option could be a senior project, distance learning, educational travel, independent study, postsecondary coursework, internship, service learning, work experience, community-based project, research-based project, or other approved experience. The Option C Portfolio template located at the side of this page is the primary means of accounting for Option C.

Methods and Frequency of Communication about Credit Flexibility
Groveport Madison middle and high school students will be given information about Credit Flexibility at least twice each school year. Communication about Credit Flexibility to students and parents can be via email, social media posts, and/or direction to the "Credit Flexibility at Groveport Madison" webpage. 

How Students Can Demonstrate Proficiency
Students can demonstrate course content knowledge and skills by achieving a score of 80 percent or higher on a comprehensive, grade-level standards-aligned assessment that is comparable to the final exam given to all students in the course for which the student is attempting to exercise Option B. Assessments other than those prepared by Groveport Madison teachers and departments may be used as Option B test out standards. For example, GMHS teachers and their departments together may determine that an End-of-Course assessment, ACT/SAT, or AP performance can qualify a student to test out and earn credit for a course. Option B Test Out assessments may be requested at any time; the district, though, can arrange reasonable opportunities for students to take the assessments. The beginning of a school year, the semester end, and the end of the school year are reasonable opportunities to attempts the Test Out option.

Another way a student can bypass the traditional classroom to earn Groveport Madison credit is to complete a portfolio detailing an Educational Option the student experienced. Ideally the portfolio should be started before the project begins. However, if the experience already has occurred, the student still uses the Option C Portfolio to apply for department approval and to detail the Educational Option experience. 

Grades for Credit Flexibility

Grades for Option B Test Out are determined the same way as any course final exam. Option C Portfolio grades are determined by the department responsible for the course. Course weights (e.g. Honors, AP, etc) are the same for Credit Flexibility courses as they are for the course being substituted by Credit Flexibility. Calculating GPA and determining class standing also is the same, too. Credit Flexibility grades are recorded the same on student transcripts as comparable credit earned through a seat time course.

Students who achieve a score of 80 percent or better on a course’s Option B assessment may earn credit for the course. However, students who achieve the 80 percent mastery standard also have the option of forgoing the earned credit by declaring that they will attend the course for the duration of the semester or year it is offered and attempt to achieve a higher score than the score achieved on the Option B assessment. Students who forgo the earned Option B credit for a course are cautioned that they later will not have the option of accepting the credit after declaring that they will attend the class or achieve credit by completing a different GMHS credit option. After the "Credit Flexibility Refusal of Credit" form is signed, the student cannot recover the Option B credit at a later date. This form must be submitted within one week of receiving the Option B grade. 

Credit Flexibility and Graduation

All earned and accepted credit (see "Grades for Credit Flexibility" above) count toward course requirements for graduation.

Credit Flexibility and Carnegie Units

Carnegie seat units equal 120 hours for a full-credit yearlong course and 60 hours for a half-credit semester course. For laboratory class instruction, 150 hours equal a Carnegie unit. Physical Education requires 240 hours for a full Carnegie unit. Credit Flexibility attempts, especially Option C Portfolio, do not need to equal a certain number of hours. However, GM departments can determine the credit equivalency between a Credit Flexibility course and a traditional seat time course. Departments and/or other appropriate school staff can determine how the scale and scope of the Educational Options experience qualifies for a full-credit or half-credit. Students who initially get approval for a half-credit but want a full credit, may revise the scale of the project and resubmit an Option B Portfolio in order to get approval for attempting a full-credit course.

No Limits on Credit Flexibility Courses or Credits

All school courses and credits are eligible to be satisfied through Credit Flexibility. 

Simultaneous Credit and Partial Credit

Students may attempt a course by using Credit Flexibility options while taking any other course including academic, career tech, and post-secondary courses. Students may be awarded partial credit as determined by the department responsible for the course. Credit Flexibility Option B or Option C could be used to complete gaps in learning. For example, a student who is not able to finish a course in the traditional classroom may be able to demonstrate course content knowledge and skills by completing an Option B assessment or Option C portfolio that covers the missed portion of learning.

Online Education, Postsecondary Options, or Services from Other Districts

Per Groveport Madison LSD BOE policy regulation IGBM-R, students are permitted to access online education, postsecondary options, and services from other school districts.

Other Educational Providers

Groveport Madison accepts credit from other districts and educational providers.

When Students Do Not or Cannot Complete Requirements

A student who does not meet Option B requirements should be enrolled in the course for which the test out option was attempted. The student, though, still has the option of attempting another course credit path through Credit Flexibility, including Option C Portfolio. It is crucial that students do not fall behind while attempting any Credit Flexibility option. Students are advised to consider multiple simultaneous Credit Flexibility attempts for the same course. For example, a student can be enrolled in the class the Credit Flexibility is attempting to replace while progressing on the Option C Portfolio. When Credit Flexibility is being used to close a learning gap and only a portion of course is needed, the traditional grading scale with a passing score of 60 percent will be applied.

Credit Flexibility Review Process and Submissions to ODEW

The Credit Flexibility program is reviewed annually by the GMLSD Office of Teaching and Learning directors. This webpage details each of the areas that are reviewed. Counselors will report to the Office of Teaching and Learning Data Specialist the following information at the conclusion of each school year: Number of student attempting Credit Flexibility; Option B attempts and credits earned; Option C attempts and credits earned; Total Credit Flexibility credits earned; and the diversity of the students attempting and earning credits through Credit Flexibility.

The Office of Teaching and Learning directors are responsible for ensuring the submission of Credit Flexibility required by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, including the methods and frequency of communication with students and parents.

GMLSD Credit Flexibility Data

Students Participating in Credit Flexibility (2024-25)

Total Number of Students:  
Option B Attempts:  
Option C Attempts:  
Total Credits Earned:  
Diversity of Students:  

Credit Flexibility Appeals Process

Students who wish to appeal the evaluation score of an Option B or Option C attempt must contact the building principal in writing or via email within one week of receiving notification of the grade. Groveport Madison LSD Board of Education Policy IKA specifies that the "Final decision on any grade is the responsibility of the building principal."

Credit Flexibility is...

Credit Flexibility IS NOT and IS

Option C Portfolio

Credit Flexibility Agreement

Credit Flexibility Agreement

Refusal of Credit

Refusal of Earned Credit
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