Cruiser Accel operates on two schedules that rotate each day. The two schedules, called the "Groveport" and "Madison" schedules, allow us to offer programming in a morning session and an afternoon session while balancing the two sessions and providing thirty-minute lunches for students and teachers as well as planning time for teachers. The daily schedule ensures that students can directly meet with math, science, ELA, and social studies teachers in two-day blocks. The schedule also gives students time for self-guided work which could be written or online. Additionally, the self-guided time allows for career exploration activities.
As an example of how the schedule works, students in the morning session of the Groveport schedule meet with math and science teachers; students in the afternoon session of the Madison schedule meet with ELA and social studies teachers. Then on the next day, the schedule flips with the morning session students meeting with the ELA and social studies teachers while the afternoon session students are able to work with the math and science teachers. Regardless of the day and schedule, all students will have time to work on any subject work they need to complete.