Issue 14 Operating Levy Passed!

Cruiser Nation,
On behalf of the Groveport Madison Schools Board of Education, administration, staff, and students, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to the community for getting out to vote regarding Issue 14. We received word this morning that Issue 14 has officially passed! 
We would again like to thank the Committee Supporting Groveport Madison Schools for working tirelessly to get the word out on the importance of the levy renewal. 
Issue 14 is about providing our district with the resources needed and investing in our children, their future, and the future of the Groveport Madison community. Our taxpayers can be assured that we will make conservative financial choices and continue to have transparent communication with our community. 
Thank you all for supporting our district and allowing our students endless opportunities with the passage of Issue 14. 
Superintendent Jamie Grube
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