Special Needs Preschool

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Special Needs Preschool

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The Groveport Madison District's philosophy is to assist Preschool children in developing cognitive, communication, pre-academic, social and emotional play, and motor skills.

The primary focus of our Lil' Cruiser Campus Preschool program is to identify preschool students with disabilities and provide them with the special education services that they need. These special education services are offered through various models and in several locations across our community. Trained school district personnel determine eligibility for services as a preschooler with a disability by completing a comprehensive evaluation. Per state and federal requirements, these students are eligible for services beginning at age three (3). There is no cost to the parent if a student qualifies for special needs services.

Groveport Madison Schools' uses Frog Street, a preschool program curriculum based upon The Ohio Department of Education's Early Learning and Development Standards. These standards describe key concepts and skills that young children develop from birth to five years old. Their purpose is to support young children's development and well-being and foster their learning. The standards promote the understanding of early learning and development, provide a comprehensive and coherent set of expectations for children's development and learning, and guide the design and implementation of curriculum, assessment, and instructional practices with young children.

If your child is between the ages of three (3) and five (5), and you feel they may have a disability, or you are new to the District, and your child has a current IEP for a disability, please contact Roberta McDonnell at 614-916-1166 or [email protected] to obtain a referral packet.

Peer Role Models

The District believes that typical peers (non-disabled children) serve as excellent role models for appropriate behavior, social skills, and language/communication skills. Therefore, we include a limited number of "Peer Models" in each classroom. Peer Models must be four (4) years old by August 1 of the year they enter the program. They must also be residents of the Groveport Madison Local School District and be potty trained. The District will screen all peer models for eligibility before being accepted into the program.

Peer Role Model Screenings

Preschool Enrollment Packets for Peer Role Model Screenings for the 2024-2025 school year are available at the reception desk at:

Lil' Cruiser Campus

4400 Marketing Place, Suite A

Groveport, OH 43125

Parents cannot utilize the online enrollment system for the preschool program. Enrollment packets will be available beginning March 1, 2024, and we will accept your completed paperwork on a first-come-first-served basis. Peer Model Screenings take place in April/May for the following school year.

To be considered as a Peer Role Model in our Preschool Program, children must:

  • be a resident of Groveport Madison Local School District
  • be four (4) years old by August 1
  • be potty trained
  • demonstrate good language and social skills

Please Note:  Families cannot complete preschool enrollment via our online system.

Please contact Roberta McDonnell at [email protected] to schedule an enrollment appointment.

Five Star Rating

Groveport Madison School's Lil' Cruiser Campus Preschool has a Step Up to Quality 5 Star Rating!

5 Star Rating!
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