Back to School 2024-2025

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Back to School 2024-2025

Welcome Back!

Staggered Start Schedule
The District will use a staggered-start schedule for different grade levels to make the transition to the new school year as smooth as possible. Please note the following:

  • Monday, August 12 – First Day and Orientation for Grades 1-6, 9
    All first through sixth and ninth graders (freshmen) will report on their regular schedule for orientation. 
  • Not reporting:  kindergarten, seventh, eighth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth (kindergarten, 7th, 8th, 10th, and 12th) graders.

  • Tuesday, August 13 – First Through Twelfth Graders Report
    All first through twelfth graders report for school on their regular schedule. Not reporting: Kindergarten

School Open House Date

Every Groveport Madison school hosts an open house/welcome night at the start of the school year. These events aim to familiarize parents and students with their school and to meet the teachers and principals. This year's open house schedule is listed below.
 Elementary Schools Thursday, Aug.8 4:30-6:00 PM 
 Middle Schools Thursday, Aug.8
5:30-7:00 PM
 High School Thursday, Aug.8
5:00-7:00 PM
 Preschool Parent* Orientation
Monday, Aug. 12
6:00-7:00 PM
 Kindergarten Parent MeetingWednesday, Aug. 144:30-6:00 PM
(5:30-7:00 PM - Glendening ES ONLY)
    * Parents only attend this meeting

Kindergarten Information

Kindergarten Assessment Appointments
Before the start of school, all kindergarteners will participate in an informal assessment. This assessment helps our teachers understand each kindergartener’s abilities and needs. It allows us to determine classroom placement and whether any other services may be necessary to ensure the child’s success.
Kindergarten assessments will occur on August 12, 13, and 14. By Friday, Aug. 2, schools will mail a letter to notify parents of the date their kindergartener will participate in the assessment and the staggered start date. 

Kindergarten Staggered-Start Days
To create a smooth start to the school year, we have staggered the start of the school year for all kindergarten students, with half of the students attending one day and the other half attending the second day. Please note the following schedule:

August 15:  Kindergarteners with last names beginning with A-L will attend school all day.
August 16:  Kindergartners with last names beginning with M-Z will attend school all day.
August 19:  The first day all the Kindergarteners will attend school all day.

Should you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s school.


Preschool Information

Preschool Staggered-Start Days
To create a smooth start to the school year, we have staggered the start for all preschool students, with half of the students attending one day and the other half attending the second day. Please note the following schedule:  
  • August 13:  Half of the Preschoolers will attend school. 
  • August 14:  The other half of the Preschoolers will attend school.
  • August 15:  The first day all the Preschoolers will attend school.
Teachers will send letters to parents in the first week of August to notify them of their preschooler's start date. Please don’t hesitate to contact the preschool if you have questions.

School Start and Dismissal Times

BuildingTardy BellDismissal
Two-Hour Early Release Time
Lil' Cruiser Pre-K - AM9:00 AM11:30 AMN/A
Lil' Cruiser Pre-K - PM1:00 PM3:30 PMN/A
Asbury ES
Dunloe ES
Glendening ES
Groveport ES
Madison ES
Sedalia ES
9:15 AM3:40 PM1:40 PM
Middle School Central
Middle School North
Middle School South
8:15 AM2:40 PM12:40 PM
GM High School7:15 AM1:45 PM11:45 AM

Bus Routes & Transportation Services

District Transportation Services
Per Board of Education Policy and Ohio Law, Groveport Madison Schools provides bus service to students living one mile or more from their assigned school. Groveport Madison Schools provides bus service to students living one mile or more from their assigned school. The District assigns centrally-located, regional bus stops to provide the most convenient access to the greatest number of students on each bus route.

Bus Route Information
Updated bus route information will be available on our website at on Thursday, Aug. 1. Routing information is updated frequently at the start of the school year due to new enrollments. Be sure to check back from time to time for the most up-to-date information.

Expect Bus Delays for the First Few Weeks
During the first few weeks of school, bus route pick-up and drop-off times will likely run late as we verify we have all students on their assigned school buses.

Alternate Bus Stop Locations
Unless you have made arrangements in advance, students can be picked up only from or dropped off at their assigned bus stop location. Due to childcare or other reasons, parents wanting another pick-up or drop-off location should contact Community Bus Services, Inc. at 614-836-4788.

Stabilizing Bus Routes
No bus stop change requests will be considered until after September 5 so that routes can be stabilized and transportation can determine if additional route modifications are necessary.

Food Services

Free Lunch and Breakfast for the 2024-2025 School Year!

Groveport Madison Schools is pleased to announce its participation in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) of the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) for the 2024-2025 school year. This program allows all students enrolled at Groveport Madison Schools to receive FREE breakfast and lunch regardless of household income.

Groveport Madison Schools families will not need to submit meal applications for the free meal benefits, as all enrolled students are automatically eligible. The CEP also eliminates any stigma associated with free or reduced-price meals, promoting equality and fostering a supportive atmosphere for all students.

For more information, visit our Food Services webpage at

Lunch Menus & Nutrition Information
Children who eat a nutritious breakfast and lunch daily often perform better and are less distracted in school. Our breakfasts and lunches are prepared from chef-developed recipes and include a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. All meals meet or exceed USDA guidelines and are designed to help children grow into healthy adults.

Check out school menus and get information on meal serving sizes, carbohydrate counts, and allergy information online at or by downloading the Nutrislice! App (available at Google Play and the Apps Store).

2024-2025 Immunization Requirements

Part of the Ohio Department of Health's mission is to ensure all Ohio schools provide safe and healthy environments for students and staff. The Department of Health requires that all students be immunized before enrolling in school. Contact your child's healthcare provider to make sure your child's vaccinations are up-to-date. A list of immunizations is available on our Health Services webpage or the Ohio Department of Health's website.

Immunization Requirements for Incoming 7th and 12th Graders
A booster dose of the Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis) and MCV4 (Meningococcal) vaccine is required before entry into the seventh grade, and incoming twelfth graders must have a second dose of the MCV4 (Meningococcal) vaccine before returning to school. If your child has not had these immunizations, please contact your healthcare provider or the Franklin County Public Health Department by visiting or calling 614-525-3719. Childhood and adult immunization clinics are available through the Franklin County Public Health Department. Appointments are required. For details and clinic locations, click here.

Don't wait until the last minute; make an appointment today! 

Get Connected!

Studies show that parental engagement positively affects a child's academic success. Stay connected with Groveport Madison Schools by following us on social media.

School Hours

Pre-K AM Class - 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Pre-K PM Class - 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Elementary Schools - 9:15 AM to 3:40 PM
Middle Schools - 8:15 AM to 2:40 PM
High School - 7:15 AM to 1:45 PM

2024-2025 School Calendar

Click the calendar to find District calendars.

School Supply Lists

District Contact Information

Other Resources

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