District Transportation Services
Per Board of Education Policy and Ohio Law, Groveport Madison Schools provides bus service to students living one mile or more from their assigned school. Groveport Madison Schools provides bus service to students living one mile or more from their assigned school. The District assigns centrally-located, regional bus stops to provide the most convenient access to the greatest number of students on each bus route.
Bus Route InformationUpdated bus route information will be available on our website at
www.gocruisers.org/busroutes.aspx on Thursday, Aug. 1
. Routing information is updated frequently at the start of the school year due to new enrollments. Be sure to check back from time to time for the most up-to-date information.
Expect Bus Delays for the First Few Weeks
During the first few weeks of school, bus route pick-up and drop-off times will likely run late as we verify we have all students on their assigned school buses.
Alternate Bus Stop Locations
Unless you have made arrangements in advance, students can be picked up only from or dropped off at their assigned bus stop location. Due to childcare or other reasons, parents wanting another pick-up or drop-off location should contact Community Bus Services, Inc. at 614-836-4788.
Stabilizing Bus Routes
No bus stop change requests will be considered until after September 5 so that routes can be stabilized and transportation can determine if additional route modifications are necessary.