Principal's Message

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Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Welcome Back to School!


Hello South Cruisers and Families, 

I am beyond blessed and excited to be joining you this year! Welcome to the 2022/2023 school year! This is going to be the most unique and exciting school year that many of us have seen in our lifetime. With any change comes challenge, but with any challenge comes perseverance. To persevere is to continue a course of action without falling to obstacles or deterrents. In looking at the origin of what it means to be Cruiser, there is no greater connection to create than that of perseverance and determination.

As we begin our journey of tackling remote learning throughout this 2022-2023 school year, many thoughts and questions are on our minds. While we may not have the answer to each question, we will have the ability to discuss them together. Our culture as Cruisers is not bound to a physical building, but rather is manifested in the spirit of ongoing pride, collaboration, and an attitude that does not yield to the changing of the day.

Throughout this year I encourage each and every one of you, whether you be parent, guardian, student, staff, or community member, to reflect on what it means to be a Cruiser. Use those thoughts and ideals to guide each endeavor with fever and tact, as we grow and learn together.

Please ensure you are aware of our PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Systems and Supports) measures at South. We focus on being a PRO (Positivity, Respectfulness, and Ownership) in all of our actions, and use these terms to be a framework for every exchange that takes place within our building and within our learning platforms. These values are rewarded through public recognition, raffle prizes, and a school-based point exchange program. Our incentives this year will include, but are not limited to food/item-based gift cards, school shirts, student spotlights, announcement inclusion, (tentative) sport/event vouchers, and much more! At its core, the system of PBIS is designed to build intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy. We strive to be our best selves every day and cannot wait to travel this journey with you.

I am passionate about learning and motivated to see you succeed this year, regardless of who you are as a stakeholder to our school. I would like to encourage everyone to stay informed on our most up-to-date information through the utilization of our school social media and mass district communications.

I’m very much looking forward to an amazing year, full of opportunities for our students, families, and

It’s Great To Be A Cruiser!
Mr. Cody Bryson 


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