This is the current website that supports math instruction.
Your student will know our schools login!
Class Dojo
If you haven't already signed up for class dojo yet, you should! You can have text message style communication with all your child's teachers, see their positive and negative points daily and see upcoming school events!
Reading Horizons
Just log in to get some extra word work and phonics practice. Grades k-3
Front Row Ed
Front row ed is a common core math website that also has ELA components. Students can access their classes page and log in to practice that is geared toward their ability level or work on a certain standard.
Common Core Standards
This website allows anyone to access the common core standards per grade level!
Xtra Math Fact Practice
Xtra math allows students to practice addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in a drill and practice setting. Students will progress as mastery is shown!
Tumble Book Library
Ask your teacher for the username and password
Ohio Department of Education
Lesson Plans & Activities for each grade level
AR BookFind
Accelerated Reader Quiz Information