Why are schools using standards-based report cards?
- Standards-based reporting helps provide an accurate picture of student achievement of specific grade level skills and standards identified by the Ohio Department of Education.
- It helps teachers plan their instruction so they can challenge and support individual needs of all students.
- It helps parents know the academic areas in which a student meets grade level expectations, needs challenged or needs support.
How is my child assessed?
Students are assessed using multiple techniques. These may include but are not limited to rubrics, observation, performance, application, paper and pencil tests, on-line assessments, as well as standardized and state tests. A variety of assessments helps to ensure that your child is given many opportunities to show mastery of grade level standards.
How can I help my child at home?
Discussing and going over lessons and assignments with your child at home is very beneficial. Ask your student to “teach” you what was learned in school each day. Also, communication with the classroom teacher is very important. The teacher may make specific suggestions pertaining to your child’s individual needs.
How can I recognize my child for a “good” report card?
Progress and improvement toward meeting grade level standards should certainly be acknowledged. A key component aiding in academic success is effort toward the Characteristics of a Successful Learner. Encouragement to meet expectations for these behaviors and habits will certainly benefit academic progress.