Tips for Finishing 2nd Quarter Strong

There are only three weeks left in the 2nd quarter of the school year. Here are some tips to help your child finish strong.

Set Goals
Take the time to sit down and set goals with your child. Setting goals (both personally and academically) will help students to stay on track. Whether the goal is to get straight A’s or pass the next test, making the goal is the first step. It does not matter how big or small the goal may be.

Stay Organized
Staying organized will prevent your child from losing or forgetting about assignments. Students are at an age where they should keep track of assignments and test dates in a planner. This is why we provided each student with a planner at the beginning of the year. It is also a great time to clean out and organize folders and binders!

Help Your Child to Not Put Off Responsibilities

Slacking and procrastinating are just ways of putting off responsibilities. Putting off school-related responsibilities will leave children scrambling and stressed at the last minute. Doing what they need to do, when they need to do it will help them to finish strong! Therefore, check-in with your child regularly and make sure they are doing work each night. Teachers will stop collecting make-up/late work soon so do not leave it until the last minute! Check progressbook tonight and come up with a plan. 

Take Care of Mental and Physical Health
Students should take time out of the day to regroup and simply have fun! This should be away from the screens. Taking care of the body by eating well, exercising and getting the proper amount of sleep will help your child to remain focused in school.

Continue Reinforcing Routines
This is an important time of year to hold strong with family routines including time for studying, recreation, family meals and sleep. Children thrive on consistency and definitive boundaries and they find comfort in knowing the expectations and routines of the family.

Using these tips will help your student finish the 2nd quarter strong. Thank you for your support in your child's education.

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