Technology FAQ

Technology FAQ

Parent Questions

What do I do if I have unreliable or no internet access at my home?
Answer:  Groveport has purchased hotspots for with unlimited service through T-Mobile. Contact your student's school and arrange for your family to get a hotspot to use during the school year. Here is a form to fill out if you are receiving a hotspot.

What do I do if my student has broken their Chromebook, or it has stopped working?
Answer:  Please navigate to this page to fill out a form and someone in Technology will reach out to you. We will try our best to resolve your issue remotely, but if we cannot, we will set up a time for you to come in and get it replaced/repaired. Please make sure you bring the Chromebook and the charger in case we need to swap the Chromebook out with a different one.

How do I view my student's grades?
Answer: Grades are available on ProgressBook. Click here to navigate to ProgressBook. During your login, you will want to find our school district and use the credentials you were provided to sign in. If you do not remember your credentials please send us an email.

Who do I contact if my student is having issues with an assignment?
Answer: The best person to reach out to is the student's teacher. The teacher then can contact us if there is still an issue.

Student Questions

What do I do if my Chromebook is not powering on or charging?
Answer:  Right now we ask that if your Chromebook is working, but isn't charging, just use it plugged in. Please navigate to this page to fill out a form to request service or have someone contact you.

What do I do if I damaged or lost my Chromebook charger?
Answer:  We have a list of chargers that you can buy (here) for each model. We do have some extra chargers at the district service center if delivery times are too long.

I just got the message that said Download failed Hard Drive full.  What should I do?
Answer:  The Chromebooks only hold onto your data per session. This means that if you sign out and sign back in, you should be able to download more things. You can also hit the circle in the bottom left and search for downloads and manually delete the ones you do not want.

Staff Questions

With all of the free software/applications/extensions being offered, can I add those and direct my students to them?
Answer:  With everything opening up for free or premium features at no charge, we urge you to read the privacy policy and terms and conditions. We MUST abide by COPA, FERPA, & CIPA. You also want to check to see if there are age restrictions to the site. If you have questions about a site, feel free to reach out to the Technology Department. Remember that our students' data, privacy, and safety is our utmost concern and priority when it comes to online activity.
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