Newsela Social Studies gives teachers thousands of relevant, standards-aligned texts specially selected for the social studies classroom, emphasizing diverse and unheard perspectives. We cover primary sources, U.S. founding documents and Supreme Court cases, biographies, op-eds, and more.
Gallopade Curriculum successfully meets Ohio Learning Standards strands, themes, and topics and prepares students for grade-level achievement. Given the brief time teachers have to cover Social Studies curriculum, our quick and to-the-point lessons allow teachers to focus on the standard needing to be covered without all of the fluff. Our research-based, proven approach succeeds in students learning, understanding, and retaining essential social studies standards and skills.
6th Grade
Discovering Our Past: A History of the World, Early Ages covers the history of the world from the beginning of time to the political and industrial revolutions of the 1700s-1800s. It’s a part of McGraw-Hill Networks™, a dynamic student-centered program that helps teachers prepare students to succeed in college, careers, and civic life.
Discovering World Geography gives today's students a firm foundation for understanding global issues in the context of physical and human geography. Middle school students will explore the role of social media, refugees, immigration, trade issues, the effects of aging populations, and energy resources and indigenous rights.
7th Grade
Discovering Our Past: A History of the World covers the history of the world from the beginning of time to the political present day. Expose students to past cultures and civilizations, and awaken them to a whole new perspective with a truly integrated print and digital Middle School World History curriculum.
8th Grade
Discovering Our Past: A History of the United States, Early Years covers the United States' history through the end of Reconstruction (1877). It's a part of McGraw-Hill Networks™, a dynamic student-centered program that helps teachers prepare students to succeed in college, careers, and civic life.