Mathematics Instructional Materials Review

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Mathematics Instructional Materials Review

Teaching and Learning Instructional Materials Adoption Process

Teacher with class
The Groveport Madison Local School District’s Board of Education is responsible for adopting curriculum and instructional materials for all content areas and courses pursuant to Board of Education policy 2520. The Teaching and Learning department uses policy and administrative guidelines to facilitate the curriculum and instructional materials process. 
The Teaching and Learning instructional materials review and adoption process relies heavily on collaboration and expertise with teachers across all curriculum areas and focuses on using data and feedback to align with the content standards and creating a shared vision of curriculum design and implementation. 
We follow the research-based process below when reviewing curriculum/ instructional materials. 
  • Analysis of student data and monitoring of student learning
  • Gap analysis and survey data
  • Review of key standards and focus areas
  • Goal setting
  • Research and vet potential resources
    •  Vendor presentations
  • Committee review and cultural responsiveness scorecard
    • Open to community review
  • Committee recommendation
  • Administrative recommendation and presentation to Board of Education

Our curriculum instructional materials review cycle through 2025:
English Language Arts2024
Social Studies2025
We invite our community to join in our instructional materials review process. 
Please see the links and demos for materials that we are considering and complete the form to submit your input. 

A survey seeking your input into the proposed curriculum and
instructional materials is located at the bottom of this webpage.

Proposed Elementary School Math Curriculum

Elementary School (K-5) Mathematic Instructional Materials Being Reviewed for the 22-23 School Year

Numbers should add up to more than the correct answer. They should inspire aha moments and joyful connections. Eureka Math® set a new standard for rigor, coherence, and focus in the classroom, so students gain a deeper understanding of the why behind the numbers, all while making math more enjoyable to learn and teach.
Bridges in Mathematics is a comprehensive PK–5 curriculum that equips teachers to fully address state standards in a rigorous, engaging, and accessible manner. Students gain a deep understanding of concepts, proficiency with key skills, and the ability to solve complex problems. The curriculum comprises three distinct but integrated components: Problems & Investigations, Work Places, and Number Corner.
HMH Into Math emphasizes establishing conceptual understanding and reinforces that understanding with procedural practice. The learning model asks students to develop their reasoning before connecting their understanding to concepts and skills.
i-Ready Mathematics is an online program that provides students of all ages with differentiated instruction and supports them on their paths to success. Backed by cutting-edge research on best mathematics learning practices, students gain experience through concrete examples and engaging lessons. Its responsive instruction provides consistent insight into student understanding and performance, enabling teachers to monitor their students’ progress and help them prepare for standards-based assessments and beyond.

Proposed Middle School Math Curriculum

Middle School (Gr. 6-8) Mathematic Instructional Materials Being Reviewed for the 22-23 School Year

Math learning thrives on exploration, conversation, and reflection. Reveal Math® is a complete K–12 core math program built on contemporary academic research and designed so all your students can succeed in mathematics.
i-Ready Mathematics is an online program that provides students of all ages with differentiated instruction and supports them on their paths to success. Backed by cutting-edge research on best mathematics learning practices, students gain experience through concrete examples and engaging lessons. Its responsive instruction provides consistent insight into student understanding and performance, enabling teachers to monitor their students’ progress and help them prepare for standards-based assessments and beyond.
HMH Into Math emphasizes the importance of establishing conceptual understanding and reinforces that understanding with procedural practice. The learning model asks students to develop their reasoning before connecting their understanding to concepts and skills.
LearnZillion Illustrative Mathematics offers the highest quality math curricula powered by a best-in-class digital experience. The IM Certified™designation provides assurance the materials adhere to IM’s philosophy and have been developed, reviewed, and approved by Illustrative Mathematics®.

Proposed High School Math Curriculum

High School Math Instructional Materials Being Reviewed for the 2022-23 School Year

Click the blue links below to review the materials.

Math learning thrives on exploration, conversation, and reflection. Reveal Math® is a complete K–12 core math program built on contemporary academic research and designed so all your students can succeed in mathematics.
HMH Into AGA seamlessly builds on Into Math® with a comprehensive Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 curriculum for high school students. Into AGA™ provides the depth of knowledge, complexity of conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and application students need for critical assessments, calculus, college, and career.
LearnZillion Illustrative Mathematics offers the highest quality math curricula powered by a best-in-class digital experience. The IM Certified™ designation provides assurance the materials adhere to IM's philosophy and have been developed, reviewed, and approved by Illustrative Mathematics®.

Your Opinion Matters

Please Take a Moment to Provide Your Feedback Regarding the Proposed Math Curricula

Please submit your input by Monday, March 14.
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