Frequently Asked Questions - Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)
This FAQ page is designed to provide parents with essential information about the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) at Groveport Madison Schools. For further questions or clarifications, please contact Dan Magee, Groveport Madison Schools Director of Food Services, at
[email protected].
- What is the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)?
CEP is a federal program that allows eligible schools to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students without collecting household applications. It aims to reduce paperwork and stigma associated with meal benefits.
- Which schools in Groveport Madison participate in CEP?
All schools in Groveport Madison Local School District.
- Who qualifies for free meals under CEP?
All students enrolled in a CEP school automatically qualify for free meals. No application or eligibility determination is required.
- How does CEP benefit our students?
CEP ensures that every student has access to nutritious meals during the school day, promoting better focus and academic performance.
- Are there any costs for fees associated with CEP?
No, there are no charges or fees for meals provided under CEP. All enrolled students receive meals at no cost.
- Do I need to submit an application for free or reduced-price meals if my child attends a CEP school?
No, applying for free or reduced-price meals is unnecessary if your child attends a CEP school. All students receive free meals automatically. However, to determine eligibility for various additional state and federal program benefits your child’s school may qualify for, please complete, sign, and return this form Ohio-Household-Income-Form-2024-2025.pdf to your child’s school building.
- How does CEP affect other school programs or funding?
CEP can positively impact other federal programs and funding streams by increasing participation rates and reducing administrative costs associated with meal benefits.
- Is CEP available year-round, including during school breaks?
CEP provides meals during the regular school year. It does not include meals provided during breaks and holidays.
- Who can I contact for more information about CEP in Groveport Madison Schools?
For more information about CEP in our district, please contact Dan Magee, Director of Dining Services at [email protected].
- Can my Groveport Madison resident students get a free school lunch at their private school?
Unfortunately, no. CEP is a federally funded program, and students receiving free breakfast and/or lunch must be enrolled in a CEP school.
- Can my homeschooled child receive a free school lunch?
Unfortunately, no. CEP is a federally funded program, and students receiving free breakfast and/or lunch must be enrolled in a CEP school.
- Can you refund my money if I have a positive school lunch account?
Yes. Please complete a Request for Refund form and submit it to your school principal.
- Will Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools students be able to receive free meals?
Currently, Eastland-Fairfield CTS is not a CEP participant. Your student would need to receive their free breakfast/lunch at Groveport Madison High School.