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Check out the Recap from our July 10 BOE Meeting
Recap from the July 10, 2024, Groveport Madison Schools Board of Education Regular Meeting
The meeting is broadcast on the District's YouTube channel:
To follow along with this recap, please reference the YouTube broadcast:
RECOGNITIONS AND PRESENTATIONS  (00:27:51 mark on the YouTube Video)
The Groveport Madison Schools Board of Education recognized bus driver Jered Winnestaffer for participating in the School Bus Driver International Safety Competition in Austin, Texas. This event allows bus drivers to demonstrate their knowledge and skills to determine which drivers are the best in their category. This competition offers school bus drivers from twenty-five states and Canada the opportunity to showcase their knowledge and skills, allowing them to vie for an international title. Winnestaffer placed third in the nation for Type C classification and fourth overall.
(00:35:03 mark on the YouTube Video)
Attorney Adam Miller, of Kegler-Brown-Hill and Ritter, presented to the BOE regarding school territory transfers out of our school district. This presentation was meant to clarify entities that may initiate school territory transfer requests, the timeline requirements, procedural flow, and historical precedent, among other things. 
BUSINESS SERVICES UPDATE (2:51:49 mark on the YouTube Video)
Director of Business Operations Dave Hausmann announced that Groveport Madison Schools will officially participate in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) under the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBL) for the 2024-2025 school year. This program allows all students enrolled at Groveport Madison Schools to receive free breakfast and lunch regardless of household income. Families will not need to submit meal applications for the free meal benefits, as all enrolled students are automatically eligible.
DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT ANNOUNCEMENT (3:12:53 mark on the YouTube Video)
Deputy Superintendent Paul Smathers announced the expansion of the Construction Technology program at Groveport Madison High School. A new Construction Technology position has been added, allowing more students to be involved in the popular career pathway program. The new construction technology teacher position will be grant-funded at no cost to the school district, and expand the partnership between GMHS and local construction businesses.
Deputy Superintendent Smathers also announced the emergence of a new Junior ROTC program at GMHS, which will start during the 2024-2025 school year. More details will follow.
TREASURER’S REPORT (3:38:54 mark on the YouTube Video)
Treasurer Adam Collier presented his monthly financial report and his district savings report. Mr. Collier also recommended that the BOE approve the bond issue in the amount of $78,305,000 to construct and equip three new 5-8 middle schools with related site improvements, an addition to Groveport Madison High School, with related site improvements, and abatement and demolition of existing facilities.
Board of Education meetings generally occur on the second Wednesday of the month, starting at 7 p.m. The Board may also schedule special meetings as needed. Upcoming meetings include:
  • Monday, July 29 @ 6:30 p.m. - BOE Portrait of a Cruiser Graduate Meeting
  • Monday, July 29 @ 8 p.m. - Special Meeting
  • Wednesday, August 14 @ 7 p.m. - Regular Meeting
View approved Board of Education meeting minutes at