Check out the Recap from our May 8, 2024, BOE Meeting
The meeting is broadcast on the District's YouTube channel:
To follow along with this recap, please reference the YouTube broadcast:
RECOGNITIONS AND PRESENTATIONS (41:14 mark on the YouTube Video)
The Groveport Madison Schools Board of Education began the Recognitions and Presentations portion of the meeting by presenting Service Awards to employees for their 25, 30, 35, and 40 years of service to Groveport Madison Schools. We want to thank Sherry Dorman, in particular, for her amazing 40 years of service in our school district. Thank you, Sherry and all the others who received their awards!
During this time, the BOE recognized several groups who have worked hard to ensure voices are heard at Groveport Madison Schools. Groups such as Student Advisory Councils, Safety Committee, Diversity and Engagement Committee, and Celebration of Black History Leaders all do important work to lay the foundation for a more inclusive and safe school district.
Groveport Madison Schools is fortunate to have a culturally and religiously diverse student population. In the month of May, we recognize Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month and Jewish American Heritage Month. AANHPI is observed annually in May to celebrate the contributions and influence that generations of AAPIs have made to American history, society, and culture. Also in May, the Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in paying tribute to the generations of Jewish Americans who helped form the fabric of American history, culture, and society.
Annika Moore from The Ohio Department of Education & Workforce presented on the value of a Mathematical Modeling and Reasoning (MMR) course. MMR is designed to promote reasoning, problem-solving, and modeling through thematic units focused on mathematical practices, while reinforcing and extending content in Number and Quantity, Algebra, Functions, Statistics and Probability, and Geometry.
The last recognition was to celebrate the Ohio Career Technical Education Equipment Grant awarded to Groveport Madison Schools. This grant award, worth $474,879, allows for the purchase of broadcast studio audio-visual equipment and related furniture.
STUDENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE UPDATES (2:41:00 mark on the YouTube Video)
The Board of Education Members gave their updates on how the Student Advisory Committees (SAC) were progressing at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. Board President Dowdell-Burger referenced the middle and high school SAC and how they were intent on creating a better culture for all students. Board Vice President Bower shared some of the exciting ideas coming from the high school SAC regarding engagement at athletic events and in the classroom. Board Member Gray recounted her outstanding interaction with the elementary SAC and how much she was inspired by their kindness and fairness with one another.
Student Advisory Committees will have their final meetings of the school year this month in May, and will resume in September 2024 for the new school year. Those students currently in 5th and 8th grade (and going into 6th and 9th grade respectively) will automatically be included in the next SAC at their new school for the 2024-25 school year.
DISTRICT SAVINGS REPORT (4:56:37 mark on the YouTube Video)
Groveport Madison Schools Treasurer, Adam Collier, shared many notable items of district savings during this presentation. Here are some of the highlights:
Superintendent administrative restructuring saved the district $743,000 yearly.
Overbilling from Community Bus Services (CBS) was found at a cost of $241,000 in 2022-23 that was credited to us in 2023-24 year.
Treasurer Office savings of $3.2M in reallocating money from the general fund to grants or district savings.
Board of Education meetings generally occur on the second Wednesday of the month, starting at 7:00 PM. The Board may also schedule special meetings as needed. Upcoming meetings include:
Monday, May 20 @ 7:30 p.m. - Special Meeting
Wednesday, June 12 @ 7 p.m. - Regular Meeting
Sherry Dorman receives a 40-Year Service Award. DE Council recognition.
High School Student Advisory Council President recognition. Middle School Student Advisory Council recognition.
Safety Committee recognition. GMHS Cheerleader recognition.