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100% Online Classes will Continue Despite Inclement Weather
Transportation Delays & Cancellations
With snow on its way to Central Ohio, it's probably a good time to clarify how we will operate when weather forces the delay or cancellation of District-provided transportation services - when we're holding classes in a 100% online remote learning model. We won’t actually have “snow days” as we’ve had in the past.

Even though our students are operating in a 100% remote learning mode, Petermann Transportation is still providing transportation services to nearly 1,000 career center, charter, and private school students throughout the area. There will be times (potentially as soon as tomorrow) when we may have to delay or cancel transportation services; however, this will not impact our students nor staff. Since we are already operating in a 100% online learning model, we will continue our day just as we would any other school day.

If you see on the news that Groveport Madison Schools is “closed” it actually means that we’re not providing transportation services to students who may be attending classes elsewhere. We won't be closing schools when we're in the 100% online learning model.