Public Participation at Board Meetings

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Public Participation at Board Meetings

Public Participation
The Board of Education is interested in your ideas and concerns. The Regular Monthly Meeting provides an opportunity for public participation, whereby individuals can offer ideas and raise concerns in the public meeting.
Before addressing the Board, please consider the options available to you to resolve your concerns, including:
  • Taking your concern or idea to the person best suited to address it,
  • Meeting with the teacher or principal, or
  • Contacting the Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, or Treasurer.

If you remain unsatisfied, you may wish to address the entire Board at its Regular Monthly Meeting. This can be done by signing the “Public Participation Form” before the meeting begins. The forms are located just inside the door to the Board Room. Please complete the form and give it to the Communications Director or the Board President before the start of the meeting.

During the Public Participation, you will be asked to step to the podium to present your topic. Please be aware that there is a three-minute limit for each speaker. For the Board of Education to fulfill its obligation to complete the planned agenda effectively and efficiently, a maximum of 30 minutes of public participation may be permitted at each regular Board of Education meeting. Presenters are welcome to provide handouts or other materials to the Board.

Each person addressing the Board of Education shall give their name, address, phone number, organization represented (if any), and pertinent background information. If several people wish to speak, each person is allotted three minutes until 30 minutes is used. During that period, no person may speak twice until all who desire to speak have had the opportunity to do so. Persons desiring more time should submit their request in writing to the Board of Education office or email [email protected] seven (7) days prior to the scheduled meeting. A majority vote of the Board members present and voting may extend the public participation period.

Please be advised that Ohio law prohibits discussion of specific employees or their job performance at a public meeting. State law does allow for discussions by Board members regarding employees in executive sessions of the Board.

Public Participation is not a dialog or discussion between the speaker and the Board. It is an opportunity for you to present any ideas or concerns to the Board in a public forum. The Board will not debate the merits of your position; they will respectfully listen to your presentation.

You can expect the Board President to respond to your presentation through one or more of the following actions:
  • Ask the Superintendent or a member of the Administration to follow up with you.
  • Refer your concern to a committee of the Board for further review.
  • Set a date for further follow-up or review.
  • Acknowledge that your concern may not be able to be addressed at the present time.
  • Thank you for sharing your concern and taking the time to address the Board.
If you have any questions about Public Participation at Board of Education meetings, please contact our Communications Office at 614-916-1163.
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