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Current GMHS Pathways

Career & Technical
Mission: Career and Technical Pathway Progression is available to students in Grades 7 to 12 and increasingly supports programs targeting middle-grade students as young as age 12 with the purpose of increasing their success in high school and career exploration. Teaming to support higher standards, teachers in this pathway are encouraged to build connections with the entire school community, including academic and technical instructors, who have Career and Technical Pathway Progression students in their classes. This occurs both at the current grade level and with follow-up in subsequent grades so that students need no intervention. Instructors also provide high-quality instruction aligned to the state’s academic content standards (technical content standards for Ohio’s 16 career fields).    

The 21st century workplace is constantly evolving. To ensure success in their careers, students must be prepared to engage in this rapidly changing environment. Ohio businesses are seeking talented workers who have solid academic skills such as reading, writing and mathematics, as well as the professional skills required for success in the workplace. Succeeding in the World of Work prepares students for the complex issues they'll face. This updated and comprehensive program now includes 16 Career Pathways outlined by the U.S. Department of Education. In addition, by showing they are prepared to contribute to the workplace and their communities, students successfully completing the Career and Technical Pathway Progression will earn The OhioMeansJobs-Readiness Seal, which is a formal designation on their high school diplomas and transcripts indicating they have the personal strengths, strong work ethic, and professional experience that businesses need. 

Information Technology
Mission: Information Support and Services Program will prepare students for careers dealing with information technology (i.e., operations, support, and deployment/integration). Students will gain the necessary technical and academic skills to implement computer systems and software, provide technical assistance, and manage information systems. Careers for which this pathway prepares students include: Application Support Specialist, Computer Support Specialist, Help Desk Technician, and Product Support Engineer. Postsecondary majors for which this pathway prepares students include: Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services, Computer Science, Computer Software and Media Applications, and Information Services.

Construction Technology
Mission: The Construction Technology Pathway prepares students for careers in designing, planning, managing, building, and maintaining commercial, industrial and residential structures and infrastructures. Students in the Construction Technology Pathway may continue into registered apprenticeship or traditional postsecondary programs. Apprenticeship opportunities may be found at the Ohio State Apprenticeship Council.

Health Sciences
Mission: Health Sciences Pathway will prepare students with the mathematics, science and technical skills to assist with exercise and rehabilitative procedures for the human body. Careers for which this pathway prepares students include: Athletic Trainer, Personal Trainer, Kinesiology and Exercise Science, Physical Therapist Assistant, Occupational Therapist Assistant, Medical Massage Therapist. Postsecondary majors for which this pathway prepares students include: Athletic Training, Foods, Nutrition & Wellness Studies, Kinesiology and Exercise Science.

Interactive Media
Mission: Interactive Media program areas will prepare students for careers using multimedia technology to develop online products for business, training, entertainment, communications and marketing. Students will gain the necessary technical and academic skills to create, design and produce interactive media products and services.  

Business and Administration Services
Mission:  The Business Management and Administrative Services program areas will prepare students for technical and professional level careers in business management, human resources, operations management, distribution and logistics, supply chain, and legal or medical office management.

Mission: Preparing students to succeed in lifelong learning and careers through secondary-postsecondary programs of study that include taking and succeeding at high-level coursework and in real-world experiences. Students can gain state recognition for exceeding Ohio’s graduation requirements through an honors diploma.  
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